Saturday, May 30, 2009

Over Spring Break, I submitted 3 travel stories to one of my beloved travel sites, Matador. All 3 were returned last Saturday, rejected. However, the submissions liason told me that he liked my writing and encouraged me to try again. I was also chosen as the "featured traveler" that day, which I am hoping was not just a bizarre coincidence but rather another form of encouragement.

Annyhow. Now that I had the pieces back, I was free to send them out to another place. I chose TangoDiva because it's a good place to start. It doesn't pay for its stories, like Matador does, but it is still read. My story was accepted almost immediately, and I was asked to send in pictures. In the end, I have my first web-published travel story, Italy: Peace and Goodwill.

After dealing with other people's stories all day, it's gratifying to spend energy on something even closer to my own heart :)

1 comment:

  1. Your article made me laugh several times. Especially the end. Wonderful! :D
